As for now, I am the senior medical lecturer (a Professor JUSA C in Epidemiology and Statistics, to be specific) at the School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia.
I teach undergraduate medical students. And in addition to that, I am heavily involved with postgraduate teachings mainly for the Master of Public Health (MPH), Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) and MSc (Medical Statistics).
I actively engage with epidemiologic research and being an academician I write papers and books.

I am a gazetted public health physician from the Ministry of Health, Malaysia and the Fellow of the American College of Epidemiology (FACE). I have led a Newton-Ungku Omar Fund (an international grant where his team collaborates with researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) to offer solutions to caregivers for stroke patients in Malaysia.
I have also led a Fundamental Research Grant (FRGS) that tries to understand the role of clinical characteristics for breast cancer diagnosis using statistical and machine learning methods. He leads another Research University (RU) grant examining cardiovascular and stroke risk among Malaysians.
I have authored or co-authored more than 150 articles indexed by SCOPUS with over 65000 citations and an h-index of 48 and 2 books published by USM and another one by CRC Press.

“You are not IN THIS WORLD if you do not have a website” so that’s the purpose of this webpage

Academic Qualifications
I did my undergraduate medical degree and graduated with MD (USM) in 1997. After completing a 4-year Master of Community Medicine (Epidemiology and Biostatistics, USM), I graduated in 2005. And in 2017,
I obtained a PhD degree in Statistics and Epidemiology from Lancaster University, UK. I was supervised by Dr Thomas Keegan and Distinguished Professor Peter Diggle
Lancaster University
Front gate

From above

Fields of expertise
Epidemiological Modelling
I teach and do research on communicable and non-communicable disease modelling, spatial epidemiology and quantitative epidemiology.
That means I used lots of applied statistics.
Statistical Modelling
I deal mainly with statistical modellings such as the general and generalized linear models and mixed models when it comes to analysis.
The study designs that I commonly use are the cross-sectional and the cohort (survival analysis, longitudinal data analysis) and clinical trials.
Statistical Computing:

This is the IDE that I am using in 90% of my analytics time. Some of my works on GitHub
I have used STATA and SPSS before.
Data analytics
I do some predictive analytics for example machine learning.
I was a sessional lecturer at the Monash University Malaysia where I taught Data Analytics for Business.